With the great help of Mary Fischer, I've been able to identify the people on the class picture. (Actually, Mary got most of the names, I was an absolute eejit (as they say in Ireland) about who was who. Anyway, here is the list which will correspond with the class picture you were sent: (I only used first names and maiden name initials - you can find the full name on the list of attendees you were sent.)
Top Row: Bonnie W., Connie C., Delores R., Martha W., Barb A., Judy B, Geneva M., Sheila R., Ruth N., Pat H., Ruth L., Joyce J., Lois I., Carolyn A., Lucy F., Eileen L., Joy H., Marilyn K., Deanna B.
Row 3: Joanne S, Joyce F., Jane M., Marilyn P., Theresa H., Marilyn N., Wilma S., Connie S., Arlene W., Mary H., Valerie K., Mary Ann C., Madelyn K., Mary Alice H., Mary Jo K., Mary F., Peggy D., Carol L., Rita L., Judy B, Fran S.
Row 2: Marjorie K., Rosemary S., Joy K., Norma T., Mary Ann B., Jeanne D., Pat B., Sr. Barb P., Alice R. Ruth P., Mary Ann V., Lois M., Judy K., Kathy C., Diana L., Gail S.
Row 1: Toni G., Pat S., Donna H., Sally T., Judy Z., Carol T., Jeanne H., Bonnie H., Judy K., Ann S., Joyce D., Nancy B., Mary Grace H., Nancy E., Patii H., Pat K., Jean S.
I could easily have goofed on these names. If you have a correction, please send to me at Heimerm@fuse.net
Also, if you have any pictures that you would like me to include, please send them to me and I will add them to the gallery.